Today is a very boring day at work. BUT, I’m not complaining in the least. When it gets busy around here we call it chaos; it’s nice to have some down time once in awhile. Of course that’s when I tend to eat junk though. I’ve had this horrible habit of raiding the candy machine when I get bored, so the other day I bought a bunch of junk food to keep my mouth busy so I don’t raid the candy machine any more. Yeah. That should work.
We’re buying a new computer this weekend. And getting the internet FINALLY. Then I’ll be able to do this from home instead of work. Two and a half years without the internet, while going to school. How did we do it? Magic, that’s how.
Went to lunch with an old friend yesterday, and I just love her! We had the most awesome talk and she is awesome. Wow it feels so nice to have friends. I gotta tell ya, the whole getting married thing scares all your friends away. Now that it’s been a couple of years though, they are slowly coming back. (Or maybe I’m the one that left and is coming back).
School started two days ago. So far I’ve had my Ethics class and my Calculus class. (Still to go: Microeconomics and Health). Boy, all we did was review point/slope formulas and I’m amazed how much I’ve forgotten since April. And my professor speaks with a rich Indian accent and his English isn’t quite all there. I’m feeling kind of intimidated. There’s no humbling experience like taking a math class. Geoff and I both have this class right now, (his in the morning, mine at night), so maybe we can help each other… or at least commiserate together. Anyhow we are sharing a book, and until we get to the store, a calculator. Hope it works.
Someone brought their cute, cute baby in to work today. He was the most darling baby I’ve ever seen, aside from Colby and Kayden, two of the kids that used to live next to us. It kind of makes me want…. a dog. You know? Just a cute, cute dog. Too bad we don’t have time for one.
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