Friday, October 19, 2007


I bet I have a world record. Yep, a world record for how many times a person can push snooze in the morning before finally getting out of bed. (My clock is a four-minute alarm, too). Due to the “behave like a responsible adult” plan, I’ve been going to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 the past week, giving me an extra 2-3 hours of sleep per night. You would think this would help alleviate the problem, but noOoo. Getting out of bed is like trying to raise the dead out of the cold, hard ground. I bet, if that train nearby de-railed and headed straight toward our house, I would probably roll over and mutter, “just give me ten more minutes.”

When I was in high school, (or hike school, whichever you prefer), I used to put the alarm clock on the other side of the bedroom. Do you know, I could actually get out of bed, walk across the room, turn the alarm clock off, and go back to bed without ever waking up? Recently I brought a diet Dr. Pepper to bed with me and left it on the nightstand. My idea was to take a big long drink right when the alarm went off, then wait about 15 minutes for the caffeine to work. No such luck.

Before getting married, I worried what my snooze-slapping habits would do to my poor husband, but he’s learned how to sleep through it as well, thankfully. Perhaps someday there will be a cure for the person whose body won’t function before 10:00 a.m. Until then, my alarm continues to take the abuse.


DeAnna said...

Ha ha, do you know what I do, I drink a lot of water etc. before bed and then in the morning as I am hitting the snooze, I realize the need to go to the bathroom, and the trip to the bathroom is usually enough to force me to get ready.

DeAnna said...
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Cali said...

Good one, I'll have to try that. :)

kenna said...

I remember that you had to do that! Plus, I remember that I copied you because I am the SAME way. My alarm is set for 6:30, but I get up about ten after seven...when Josh makes me. Cali, you write great posts.

Anonymous said...

Cali, your little sister has the same problem. I hear her alarm from my bedroom (on another floor)... go downstairs to tell her to turn it off, crawl in alison's bed next to her room, when her alarm goes off again, I have to bang on the wall to wake her up to turn it off. This goes on for about 20 minutes till I finally go in her room and stand there till she crawls out of bed. Boy, is she cranky in the morning....

Cali said...

Oh poor girl. I feel her pain, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Yeah im having the same problem i will set my alarm clock and then wake up late for school.with the alarm turned off.i know its because of sleepwalking ive been known to do it just gets annoying when i dont have enough time to get ready in the morning.