I'm sick of thinking seriously about anything for today. I'm listening to the new Finger Eleven song, Paralyzer. I say while Finger Eleven is a perfectly horrid name for a band, as are most of the lyrics to this song, there is one line I love: "And if your body matches what your eyes can do, you'll probably move right through me on my way to you." ---HOT--- .
Speaking of HOT, I have two newbies to add to my list - Christian Bale and Billy Zane. (Don't worry my hubby is still in first place - he has his own list anyway).
I've been tagged by McKenna, So here goes:
This is a different tag, so here are the rules:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 little-known facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged.
1. I think like a bi-otch but keep my voice as sweet as sugar. (That was a chapter heading in a book I looked at once and agreed with it.) (I'm not really a bi-otch, but you get what I mean - the word "bitch" is edited here for any who may feel uncomfortable reading it.)
2. Anytime I work out or wear stilettos, the middle toe on my left foot goes numb.
3. I secretly wish to be a yuppy.
I'm quitting at three. I don't care if that's lame, but this is not a homework assignment. Posting surveys is lame to begin with anyway. Here's a different one. (My parents see these once in while when an email forward goes around)
Four places I've lived: A house, a basement apartment, a duplex, a condo.
Four jobs I've had: Office Cleaner, Video-store person, bookkeeper, payroll person
Four things I'd like to do before I die: Get a degree, have children, travel, live in the city
Four favorite desserts: Chocolate cookies, chocolate milkshakes w/whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles, sorbet, better than sex cake
Four interesting facts about me: See above
Four favorite movies: 28 Days, Eternal Sunshine, Emporer's New Groove, and still looking for the fourth
Okay, I tag... Sarah, Kenna, and Natalie.
Watch the movie, "Catch and Release" and I guarantee you'll add Jeremy Oliphant to your list....
I want to be a yuppie too! It's my new goal in life...and to get this tumor out of my head...hmm...
Would you be totally offended if I didn't participate? if so , I will, but it's...SOOO much work!
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