Wednesday, December 12, 2007


So... it has come to my attention that the recent but persistent work drama is actually revolving... in a makeshift way... around me. I have recently become 'friends' with a co-worker who is 'best friends' with my other friend, who is displaying signs of intense jealousy, and the other friend is afraid the friend is talking about her behind her back, so in turn the friend is talking about the other friend behind HER back. *sigh* Whatever dude. I just hope that as long as I keep my mouth shut about other people, I'll be able to remain neutral - because I like them both and I don't want to get caught up in the middle. I have kept my nose clean for a year and a half so far, I'm not about to start playing that game just because I work with a bunch of drama-queens. *sigh* Why can't everybody just be men? The world would be so much less complicated. I'm aware they are possibly talking about ME behind my back, but I am pretty apathetic. I just do whatever I feel like doing, man.

Hubby has found a way to fill his extra time this Christmas break - West Wing, Lost, movies with intense gore-factor, etc. I have already been shopping, to the gym, and taken the Man out to lunch. There is a mountain of dirty laundry that nearly reaches the ceiling, but I am happy if that's the only thing hanging over my head.


kenna said...

I have learned that guys are just as different aspects of course...but still...

DeAnna said...

I have an office of about 8 women and 4 men. I luckily sit at the desk with no one around, so I usually get to stay pretty neutral too. Of course...I have only been here 4 months.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of drama here too (i've told you about it), but as long as you stay out of it and don't even make a comment about anything, you're ok. Just continue to be everyone's friend. What can they say? If it's not good, then it's obviously made up out of jealousy.

Anonymous said...

Well you see, if the everyone was a man, then life as we know it would be over. Literally. All mankind would perish as the reproductive rate would obviously and completely come to a halt. It just doesn't work that way, duh.