My little sister is amazing. (The littlest one). We went down there last weekend to have dinner with the fam, and she played a song for us on the piano that she'd written herself. A REAL SONG. And it was very very good. I was so impressed. She's really gotten to be great at the piano. (And a host of other things too). I, well, I wrote a song in my sleep the other night. Really, when I woke up it was playing through my mind, and it rhymed, except it had something to do with a "death machine" and wasn't nearly as intricate as what my sister did. (more like preschool stages). Really she is so good.
I have a useless class. Sometimes I like to think I learn SOMEthing at school, you know? But this, well the only other class that I felt was as big of a waste of time as this one was the history of music, but at least that one was INTeresting. Srsly. I just looooooaaaaaaath every minute of it. (Physical Science). Please can we get on to something that's going to MATTER one day down the road? (For me, anyway).
Well it looks like we are going to Oregonia to visit some family next month. It will be the weekend before our anniversary, and over spring break, so it is perfect. Well got lots of homework so ciao.
Physical Science, MATTER, ha ha did you do that on purpose?
Ha ha. Actually that joke was not intentional, but nice catch. :) All I'm saying is if a boy bounces a ball on the ground with x amount of force at y velocity, does it REALLY matter how high it goes the next time? And do I care? Hmmmmm not really...
I really got happy-for like a second- until you clearified the amazing sister was danielle...
Tell ya what.... you write the lyrics for "Death Machine", and Danielle can write the tune... (Kinda like an Elton/Bernie thing)
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