Friday, February 29, 2008

New job

Okay I actually had someone get after me for not posting for so long... it made me feel so pop-uh-lar... anyway I've been a little busy. One thing that I'm really enjoying about Geoff's new job is that he's home with me on weeknights; it is so nice!!

Had some big changes with my job. I'm not sure if I posted about it or not, but back in September we received an email from the HR manager saying they were looking to hire someone in the accounting department. I wanted to apply, but felt I should update my resume first, so I went home and did just that. The next morning when I went to the HR manager, I was informed that the position had been filled the previous afternoon, which would have been only a couple of hours after we'd recieved the email. I was a little mad and very bummed, but I just sent an email to the owner and the accounting manager saying if they were ever looking to hire in the accounting department again that I hoped they would consider me.

Well, about two weeks ago, my manager asked me for a list of my clients and when they run. I tried to figure out what the reason behind such a request would be, then a few hours later I was summoned to the head accountant's office (I guess he would be the controller) and the owner was in his office too. They told me the accounting department was going to get shaken up pretty soon and asked if I was still interested in a position. (Of course the answer was an enthusiastic yes). I was going to take a girl's place (the one who got the job last September) and that girl was going to take Camille's place, who is quitting to be a stay-at-home mom. I was totally cool with that because it sounded a lot like stuff I've done already and I was pretty confident that I could handle it.

Last week, Thursday I think, they called me into the controller's office again. They said that there'd been a change in plans, and that the girl had unexpectedly turned down the job. (They had wanted her to take Camille's place because she already has her degree and they figured it would just be the next step for her. I think she said the job isn't in line with her career path or something - to me that means she isn't planning on staying around for very long, but that's totally my own thoughts.) So, they offered Camille's job to me. Then they proceeded to explain that the job will take a lot of organization and being very on top of things, because missing deadlines on filing stuff will result in tens (sometimes hundreds) of thousands of dollars in penalties, and that it tends to get extremely busy at the end of each quarter, etc. and that I would essentially be the "wing man". They really wanted to be sure that I felt good about taking the job, because they don't want me to start and then change my mind about it and back out later. I was in shock a little bit because it's a bigger move than was expected. My stomach churns a little bit and I get nervous when thinking about it, but I would have to be crazy to turn it down. It's an amazing opportunity to get experience, and that's very important. As far as career path goes for me, all I know is that I want to do internal work, and not at all interested in being a CPA. (A CMA is more like it.) But I guess at this point ANY step would be a step in the right direction. It will be different than payroll because in payroll, everything is very systematic, we are told pretty much how and when and where to do almost everything, and this new one will have a little more autonomy. And I'll get my own office... no more cubes for Cali. Wow I'm still a little in shock I guess. I'm only going to be trained for about two months, starting Wed or Thurs, so it'll be really important to buckle down and focus hard. Well, this is what I've wanted, is it not? Wouldn't it be cool to take on the challenge and find that I can do a good job? I'm going to focus hard and kick it in the butt!

Interesting that I found out about this only a day after Geoff had got his new job. The Lord is pouring blessings upon us and I really don't know why. I am so grateful though.


Anonymous said...

You guys must be doing a lot of things right to get all that good karma. Congratulations! :)

DeAnna said...

Congratulations Cali! ha ha I think back to how quickly you went through jobs in high school and I am so pleased with your currrent success. That is awesome. I wish I could say I was working towards career oriented things. Oh well, I guess I am not planning on a career at this point.

Cali said...

Thanks! Yeah I can't even remember what those jobs were now. There was Western Watts which lasted about a week, then there was Hollywood Video that I stayed at for a couple years. Ha ha, good old Hollywood Video. But thanks I appreciate it!

Cali said...

Oh yeah, there was Pier 49 and the SF Pool.

Anonymous said...

But that was High School... and who's serious about a career in High School? I'm really proud of you and how you've focused on a goal and are achieving it. You've got a great future ahead of you, just keep on being greatful for all you have. Way to go Cow-Poop!

mikey said...

Cali, don't take anything away from yourself, you're a very smart woman, (After all you married my son.) congrats.........

Cali said...

Thanks you guys, I really appreciate all your support! You are the awesomest!

The Squires' Fam said...

Wow you are officially a career woman since you are on the career path you want congrats on everything i'm sure everything will go splendidly