Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shoes and ships and ceiling wax...

Here's an excerpt from my dream last night: (Yes, the dream was narrated)

"My best friend in the world was getting married. It wasn't until he started talking about tiling the bathroom floor of their new house that it actually hit home to me. I then began to realize what a HUGE mistake I'd made..."

About that point in the dream I actually woke up, sat up, peered at the clock which said 5:15. (Lately I've been waking up before the alarm goes off, which was a good thing today because last night I was so tired I forgot to set it). And who was the person in my dream, the "best friend in the world"? It was none other than Geoffery Stanley. I got up, set the alarm for 6:30, climbed back into bed, and snuggled in happily next to my hubby, my best friend in the world.


STANLEY said...

awwww...your so sweet. i love you!

Anonymous said...

My dream last night was about having my bird try to escape from his cage, but I would grab him just in time, get him back in till he kept opening up the cage door with his beak.... just in time for me to grab him again. I was holding him getting ready to clip his wings with the scissors when the phone rang. Made me mad to be interrupted... I really wanted to get those wings clipped!! How do we interpret this dream? Could it be a control thing??? Dumb.

Cali said...

Hmmm let's see... perhaps it's your inner-self wanting to break free from something - but your conscious self is holding your inner self back by inhibition or whatever it may be...

DeAnna said...

I love it when I have sad dreams about Andrew and I wake up and just cuddle :) Want to know something wierd. I started having dreams about Bryce all of the sudden...I seriously don't think I ever have before, not even when we were dating...it is wierd.

Anonymous said...

I once dreamt I was having a dream. Then I woke up and my cat was dead.

Anonymous said...

I once dreamt I was having a dream. Then I woke up and my cat was dead.