Friday night is our night to stay up and watch movies, but last Friday night by 10:30, I was toast. So I went to bed and laid there, unable to fall asleep because of a stuffy nose. (It's allergy season). So, with eyes half-open, I stumbled out to the kitchen and grabbed the nasal spray out of my purse, used it, and took it to bed with me. About ten minutes later it hadn't worked yet, so I grabbed it off the nightstand and used it one more time, then fell alseep, exhausted.
The next morning Geoff and I were standing in the kitchen and my eyes started itching, so I went fishing through my purse to grab the eye-drops, and found only the bottle of nasal spray. Aghast, I went back to the bedroom and sure enough, there were the eye-drops, sitting on the nightstand, right where I had left them after squirting them up my nose.
I just don't funtion well when tired. Now I have to buy a new bottle of eye-drops (they're the good ones and they're not cheap)... Geoff thinks they'd be fine if I just wiped it off but I'm not all for taking the chance. Anyway.
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