Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear

Today I needed to speak with a terminated employee regarding a paycheck. However, the phone number we had to get a hold of him was his wife's cell phone number. This was our conversation:

Her: Hello?
Me: Hello, may I speak with Hal*? (name is changed)
Her: This is his wife, he's not here. her speech was very VERY slurred
Me: Okay, when is a good time to reach him?
Her: He's in the basement smokin' a cigarrette.
Me: Okay, may I speak with him?
Her: He's not he - why can't you talk to me? I'm his wife.
Me: Because payroll is confidential in nature, I can only speak with him.
Her: But I'm on the same insurance! It's my COBRA too.
Me: You need to speak with someone about COBRA?
Her: Yes
Me: Okay, I can help you with that. May I first speak briefly with Hal about his paycheck?
Her: He's not here.
Me: I thought you said he was in the basement smoking a cigarrette.
Her: No! He's not here. Why can't you speak with me? I'm his wife.

This went on in circles for about three straight minutes. Yeah. HIGH as a kite. I'm not dumb; I've seen Dr. Phil. I know what a person on crack sounds like when they talk.

Finally I figured the best thing to do would be to let her talk to someone about her COBRA, then call back later and hope to get Hal. When I put her on hold, she hung up.


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I totally worship high people. We had some tenants in our basement when we rented out our duplex who were pretty nuts about pot. Oh, the stories I could share!

kenna said...

That is the best story I have heard ALL DAY.

I wish I could talk to her.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder why this employee got terminiated???