We had my family over for a barbeque on the 4th of July. It was planning out to be awesome, Geoff got giant burgers and dogs, mom was brining two of her delicious salads, and we were going to grill pineapple, to top it off. (and it WAS fun too, just to have my family over.) I wanted to make a dessert that would be festive enough to go along with it. I got the recipe from here, and it looked easy enough.
Attempted product:
Actual product:
It would've worked had the red jello not solidified before I could pour it on the top, and had the crust not fallen apart the second I unwrapped it. Well, first time's a first time. You have to ask how to make frosting at least once, right?
After the barbeque, we went to the Bees game with my family. Baseball for me is fun until about the 5th inning, then it starts to move verrrryyyy sloowwwwwlyyyyy. But we had some fun drunk people behind us that kept us entertained, (the one guy spent more time running back and forth to concessions for more beer than he did actually watching the game), and Al and Danielle and I had some fun goofing around. I will miss my sister when she's gone. (But it's a happy "gone!") :)
In other news, I think my subtle mental re-dedication to church landed me a shiny new calling: that of Primary Secretary. I was scared to death of getting a teaching calling or a very involved calling, so at least it wasn't one of those. I suck at teaching and simply can't do a calling that requires my presence, time, or attention during the week... when school is over that will be much easier. Anyway, this one shouldn't be too hard. I haven't been in primary since age 12, but there are less than ten kids in our primary so it's not too overwhelming. I didn't immediately jump with excitement at the idea of being there, but the kids are cute, I have to admit. The one that said the opening prayer today thanked God for Cheetos. It was so funny.
--Just a moment to think about our troops on this holiday. It was brought home to me again today with all of the people who stood up to bear testimony who talked about their sons, brothers, and cousins who are overseas. I am thankful to have a fun, happy holiday without fear because of their sacrifices. Major sacrifices. I pray for their safe and swift return, and may God be with them.--
Oh, but it WAS delicious!
Casey didn't marry me for my cooking skills either. Do you want to start a club?
I'm sure it was great anyway! Nothing I ever make turns out looking very good either. :) Sounds like a fun holiday!
Cali! I don't know if you would remember me, it has been AGES, but yes, this is Clerissa Lewis, formerly Richter. I was at SF from the 8th grade to 10th. I used to have crazy curly hair, so if you check out my site, that is about the only difference... well and I am fatter now too, since I have had two babies, the most recent one in February.
HA HA HA, who wouldn't pray for cheetos?
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