Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Anything but glamorous

Tisha tagged me. Here are the rules: you have to take 10 pictures of the following things and you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping your child's nose (I mean it!). Then you tag six others.

1. Kitchen sink: Sorta mostly clean, thanks to Geoff. I've seen it look much worse.

2. What the kids are doing? How about what the cat is doing, since kids aren't to be found.

3. Bathroom: A tornado may as well have been here. Getting ready in the morning is so much WORK.

4. Self-portrait. This is m - I mean, this is what Geoff wishes was me.

5. Fridge. All sorts of school memos and dumb pictures.

6. My closet. What I'm not showing you is the mountain of shoes that is spilling out onto the floor.

7. Laundry room: Not so much a room as a closet. This whole place is like one big closet, no?

8. Favorite room: At least we've made an effort somewhere. It is rather cozy.

9. Favorite shoes. They kill but they're so much fun.

10. Dream vacation spot: The Maldives. When we have 5K to drop in one night, we'll make it here. (that's why it's a DREAM vacation!)

Well, my house is a mess. In fact, I feel kind of crummy after surveying it like that. I want to move. I like our place. It would be fun to move though.

I'm not tagging anyone cuz seriously I don't even know if six people even read! If you want to do it, then go ahead.


DeAnna said...

THAT is a mess...sheesh, you should have seen my house yesterday..I am going to do it when i get home, we just cleaned :) P.S. I love that picture above your t.v. Where did you get it ;)

Anonymous said...

It just kills me that great shoes have to kill! Can't we just have the orthopedic comfort and classy style all in one???