Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Would you rather

Would you rather be:

Delusional and happy?
Know all truth and be miserable?

I'm undecided myself, though right now leaning toward the delusional happy side. I want your answer! Even if I don't know you!


NaDell said...

Why do you have to decide? Can't you know truth that things suck, but still be happy that your things don't so much? I'm knowledgeable and happy. I like that. I know my life is good even though a lot of other people aren't doing so good and lots of things aren't so good. I'm happy though.

JohnnyB said...

I think I know all the truth and yet I'm not miserable; however, I may just be delusional, which I'm not happy about.

Anonymous said...

Ask your home teacher.