Thursday, October 2, 2008

I can't keep myself and still keep you too

I followed politics for a whole hour and a half tonight while watching the VP'tial debate. BOO-YA oh shiz shake it, ma move it like a gypsy stop, woa, back it up and let me see your hips SWING!!

While watching them beef themselves up, referring to what they've accomplished in the past and saying what amazing things they were going to do in the future and how well they were qualified, I thought, that's one heck of a job interview. (Only there's a lot more "who said what" in this one). I thought Palin showed quite a bit of feistiness and Biden showed quite a bit of old-codger-ness. However, he is definately the more experienced one, been there done that. Her experience was apparently very limited as she kept going back to the energy thing again and again, but that doesn't mean she couldn't do a good job at new things, doggonit. Anyway, this is way too much politics for my blog, so moving on.

I wonder if the owners of my co. use regression analysis to identify potential cost drivers. Or if cost-functions or contribution margin or six-sigma mean anything to their decision-making process.

I'm loving these two songs right now: Love Lockdown (Kanye West) and Swing (Savage)... the clean version of course. What is so catchy about hip hop/rap that I love so much lately. Tis perhaps the Joe-six-pack in me?

Our showerhead is broken. I had to pump the little thing like ten times before anything came out of it today. Also our water pressure has dropped significantly in the bathroom. I wonder what kind of problems the HOA will be paying for. Though I know of people in our ward who've had to call their lawyers before HOA would do anything about their plumbing problems.

My cat is cute. He hates to be picked up, except I've discovered that if I cradle him like a baby and he can keep my face at arms' length, he lets me hold him. Really, he pushes my face away from his with his paws. He must be a white personality.

Currently, Geoff is singing "staying alive" in the shower in full-throttle falsetto. He he he.


Anonymous said...

Funny Geoff... I can just hear it now....

I hate politics, the constantly building yourself up and putting the other guy down approach. I hate it! But besides the issues on energy, war, and the economy... I'd vote for Palin cuz she's interesting, feisty, smart, pretty, and she's got that cute northerny accent, ya?

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't have to pump if you'd consider one thing. IN DOOR PLUMBING. Get in the '90s for hells sake.

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't have to pump if you'd consider one thing. IN DOOR PLUMBING. Get in the '90s for hells sake.

Cali said...

The 90's! Ha ha ha

Ang said...

You make me laugh! I love your blog and your sense of humor.

DeAnna said...

I pretty much love it when people sing in the shower, or car, or whenever really I am a firm believer of open singing, it is just funny.