Okay, actually his name Gimpy the spider, named by my coworker. It scared me so bad yesterday when I looked over and saw him, this massive spider, hanging there for the first time, inches from my face. Luckily he is outside the building or I would've flipped a lid. Well, I still did, but at least I know he can't touch me in any way. Then today we saw him again, going down this time. He looks bigger today than yesterday. Then we saw him going back up again, which is when I snapped these pictures. You can see from the top picture that he's missing a leg on his right side, hence his appropriate name. And he is much faster at going down vs going up, when he has to stop and rest every foot or so. We watch in fascinated disgust.
I wonder how long he'll be around. I hope he doesn't find a way to crawl into the building and out the vent which is directly above my head. Hebegebees.
Um, I looked at that picture and the first words out of my mouth were...
'Holy shit.'
Blech...I hate spiders, especially big ones that could eat a small animal.
That is absolutely THE worst thing I have ever seen in my whole entire life. And I'm not exaggerating. Not even a little bit.
I hate spiders. HATE. I kill them immediately when I see them for fear they'll at some point crawl on me unexpectedly while I'm sitting, sleeping, etc.
Can you imagine how big of a mess this monster would make if you squished it! Ewwwwwwwww
I don't have the guts to kill them. What if they jump on you!!
Ick! How mean! I would be so paranoid of spiders after that.
Kinda ruins the beautiful view, huh?
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