Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When Mac & Cheese takes over the world

"What if you and I were to take over as CEO and CFO of Kraft Foods, and it got BIG, so big that it took over Russia and changed Russia's name to Kraft." -Geoff Stanley, spoken to Cali after hearing a Kraft rep speak.

Earlier this week we went to a "networking dinner" at the school, at which the Regional VP of Kraft Foods spoke to us (yayyyyyyyyyyy). We had to pay for our own dinner, but in the end I was glad we went. It was an HVA event. (High-value-added). Mr. Human Performance Coach would ask me to name three things I took away from it, three ah-ha moments. I did it in my head so you don't have to read it here.

We've been under a blanket of coulds for almost an entire week. I've been waiting for the sky to clear up so I could take these pictures:

It's hard to escape the crappiness of cell-phone pictures, but that is the view. Gorgeous, I love it.

Also cool, was last night as I made the daily trek from work to school, in the dark because the clouds were so thick, I looked toward the south end of the valley and there was pink/orange light coming through the clouds at the peak of a mountain down there. It was only right at the mountain peak, and the way the clouds swirled around with the pink in them was a semblance of an awesome-looking volcano in full eruption. I wish I could've taken a picture, but that's not exactly the smartest thing to do while driving. Pretty though.

Geoff brought me lunch today at work. He's such a cutie, I love him. I switched from 4-10's back to the 5-8's schedule. I really think that the combination of shorter work days, the extra hour of sleep each day, and the ability to take a lunch break each day will stave off the school-burnout much better than cramming for 4 days straight and taking one off. At least it should help get rid of those weird spreadsheet/GL dreams, eh?

We both have a finance test tonight, then I'm looking forward to just taking the rest of the night off with him and relaxing. Because... yes... the tiredness... JUST... hit me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice view! I'll have to come see your new office.