Talk about coming back after a holiday.
The first thing I did when I got to work this morning was respond to an eight-month-old email from a co-worker, and copied three other people on it. This was followed by a round of "I'm sorry, please disregard" emails.
The auditors came back to our CPA saying they never got the 2nd qtr. reports from me. "Yes they did!" I exclaimed, pulling up the email with the 2nd qtr. attachments. I pointed to the dates, 7-1 thru 9-30, "See, second quarter!" (yeah, I felt like an idiot)
Back when I went on 4-10's, Tiffany took over doing Monday's banking, and when I went back to 5-8's, management said they wanted her to keep doing it on Mondays so she would stay fresh. Well, about an hour late, I went to pick up the stack of invoices, wondered why there weren't any to pick up, then did a walk-through payroll and called for banking. Tiffany had already done it an hour earlier. (She laughed pretty hard at me when I told her)
On lunch break, I went to mom's office to pick up my earrings, which I'd left at her house, then went to the bank to cancel my debit card, which I'd lost.
To my boss's question, "What'd you do now?" I respond, "Well, you just never know..." The rest of the afternoon went okay until I got to class and realized I brought the wrong textbook.
Oy vey. Now the day is almost over, thankfully. Just grocery shopping and homework. ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS LEFT OF DANG-BLASTED SEMESTER LEFT!! Yippee.
Hey, my day was about like your day! Triple the amount of work because of the long weekend, and the phones kept ringing and the walk in traffic just kept on coming... I almost felt like saying, "go away people!".... so I could get my regular work done. Oh well, at least I got a couple extra hours in. Seeing you was the highlight of the day though :) My co-workers said you were a very pretty girl!
Oh, I hope your evening is better.
Tomorrow is bound to be way better too.
Is it the first already?
You so make me laugh! Love that you are scattered (sometimes) like me (all the time).
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