Monday, December 15, 2008

Sisters and Christmas parties

Today I was sitting at my desk working when a call came on my cellphone. I don't typically answer the cellphone when I'm working or if I don't recognze the number, and this was both, so I let it ring through to voicemail. When I listened to the message, I wanted to kick myself! It was Alison! She was calling from the airport while waiting to board her flight to Chile. (Well, Georgia then Chile). Luckily, she knew, and called right back a few seconds later and I got to talk to her for about 10 minutes or so. It was cool to hear and talk to my little sis! It was weird it still almost seemed like she was calling to see if I wanted to go to the mall or something. (For LDS missions, phone calls are a rare privilege). Except she bore her testimony in spanish so I could hear what she's learned so far. She talked in spanish for probably a full two minutes straight, it was neat to hear her rattle off a bunch of stuff. I couldn't decipher it at all. The next time she calls will be Christmas Day, so only ten more days. So she's officially been in the air for about two hours now. She said she's traveling with about 17 other missionaries who have the same flight plans, (which made me feel better that she's not alone), and she'll be in Chile by about 10 a.m. our time tomorrow. Crazy! She seemed pretty nervous and excited, she mentioned - in so many words - that she sometimes wondered if she knew what she'd got herself into. But it will be a good experience for her, and it's only 18 months. Actually, only 16 months now. She'll be just fine and I know she won't regret her experience.

This was from our work Christmas party last Friday night. It was at the Grand America again. We were both laughing because Geoff (or was it me?) dropped the Christmas present right as Joe snapped the picture and were trying to hold our pose. Anyway, it was fun. We just ate a nice dinner and did a white elephant gift exchange. I gave a couple of cute cocoa mugs with candy in them and we ended up getting a Clapper. (Clap on, clap off). We actually installed it on the bedroom lamp and have been goofing around with it ever since. My work gave us a one-night stay at the Zamott Resort in Midway (which is supposed to be super nice) along with $50 spending money while there. It was so nice of them.

Saturday night we went to some friends (the vegas friends) and had chocolate fondue and played mad gab and taboo, and watched a movie. It was pretty fun. Now we're just in the middle of finals. I've got one tonight and one tomorrow night and then I'M DONE! Geoff should be done soon too. He's got three down, three to go.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture of you two!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's "Zermatt" Village. We did the initial insurance on the project when it was being constructed, I was of course working somewhere else at the time for an amazing peckerwood.

casey and justine said...

That is awesome you were able to talk to Alison at the airport and then you will be able to on Christmas. Tell her hi from me.

Best of luck with finals and I love the pic of you two, you guys look great

Anonymous said...

You are gorgeous in that picture of you guys! I hope that's going on every Christmas card sent out by everyone possible.