I'm in the middle of a book called "The Art of Deception" by Kevin Mitnick, an infamous world-renowned computer hacker turned good guy. It is just a bunch of little stories about how easy it is to get information from people just by asking for it, and I am just amazed at how easy it is to get information from people just by asking for it. All a guy has to do is familiarize himself with some industry terminology, have a level head, and boom, he's an insider. How easy it must be for these social engineers to pick up usable information about people just by browsing through blogs.
For this reason, I am now turning off the search feature so search engines don't find me anymore. Only about 8% of my readers (or should I say hits? since a hit doesn't necessarily mean a reader) come from search engines anyway, but I'll be saying goodbye to the faint amusement I get from seeing some of the keywords used in finding me.
Some recent ones:
Long black sock
do do la do do la do da lala
runaway chickens?
pieces of teeth falling out
cat vibrates
And there are a number of searches for upside down parabolas, viktor frankl, interpretive dance moves, routan babies, and kanye west lyrics. The riveting, educational and valuable content of my blog.
Goodbye keyword searchers.
Hey, don't forget the beauty pagent one.
Good idea. I don't like real strangers looking at my blog. I know it's public, but really only if you are connected to someone I really KNOW. I don't like to read blogs of someone from across the country who I've never met.
What you say makes sense. However I still think it's funny when people find my blog by searching for "He's got the hole world in his hands", which I wrote about the game of "Cornhole". I am sure some people search for that because they want the song, but don't know how to spell "whole". So I'm risking my identity for a chuckle, I guess.
Cornhole?? Ha Just the sound of it makes me laugh.
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