Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sweetheart post

It's my lunch break right now, and it's not worth it to try and drive anywhere in this weather, so I'm staying put. Geoff did a cute survey-thing that he got from NaDell's blog, except Geoff's is all goofs and lies of course, so I'm gonna do one myself here, for the halibut.

1. Where did you first meet your sweetheart?
When I lived in Provo and his friend who had a crush on me at the time brought him over to meet me, except I didn't know they were there to meet me, so I walked in the room with a laundry basket full of clothes, with no make-up and in my pj's, and said hi quickly and left again. He says we didn't like each other much when we first met, but truth his, I don't even remember him from that day.

2. What do you remember about him/her the most?
Basically how stinkin' cute he was, his sense of humor, and quiet confidence. And the fact that he didn't immediately worship the ground I walked on, which I wasn't entirely used to... kept me coming back for more... and the blue hawaiian shirt.

3. Who asked who out first?
It was a mutual suggestion. We had watched a movie, The Burbs, with a group the night before, and while everyone else fell asleep or went home we stayed up until dawn just talking. Then we decided to go home and get a few hours of sleep and then we got back together and went to the Salt Lake temple grounds. (cheesy, I know). Actually the only thing I remember from the temple date was the drive.

4. What did you do on your first date? See above.

5. What was your favorite thing to do together when you were dating?
Make out. It was all we ever did. The "Provo Push," as they say, but we called it "renting movies." We rented movies all the time, then we'd go up in the loft and make out and giggle for hours and hours. My make-up was always completely messed up by the time I went home.

6. When was your first kiss with your sweetheart?
About two weeks after we actually started dating, in the kitchen of his then-house. I was so sick of waiting for him to get around to it that I just took the initiative and did it myself.

7. When did you first realize you loved him/her?
Probably after the Thanksgiving Vegas trip with my family. I got so used to spending the night with him (pre-marital sleeping, not sex... yes my family actually allowed this) that it was hard to be by myself afterward. I just wanted to be with him and no one else.

8 Who said it (I love you) first?
Geoff did. He said, "I think I'm falling in love with you," to try and get me to say it back. I didn't. The next day, he said I love you, and I actually had the wits to say it back that time.

9. How did s/he propose?
Have I already blogged about this? I don't remember. He sneakily picked up my ring before I knew it was ready, having his friend leave a message on my phone, pretending to be the jewelry store clerk, saying the ring was going to take some extra time. Geoff told me we were going to play night games at Rock Canyon park with some friends at 10:00 that night. So we tried to find stuff to do until then, we went to an ice-cream shop and ordered huge sundaes - Geoff didn't touch his - and caught the last half hour of a movie. When we finally got to the park, I was bummed that no one else was there, thinking it would put Geoff out. But he got me out of the car and pulled me up the hill and down the other side, where I spotted some people standing there in the dark. Geoff was so insistent on getting me into the center of the bowl that it dawned on me what was happening. We got to the center of the bowl and a big spotlight shined down on us from the top of the opposite hill. Then two more spotlights from different sides of the bowl, and I looked around there were rose petals all over the ground. Some music started playing, "That's How Strong My Love Is," by Taj Mahal. We danced for a few minutes and he got down on his knee and presented the ring. Of course I said yes, then applause from the top of the hill... all of his roommates had helped him carry out the whole thing, and there were a bunch of high-schoolers watching too, waiting patiently to use the field. Then we drank hot chocolate and hung out, and gathered up the rose petals. It was so cute.

10. What are three things you remember most about your wedding?
1. I couldn't stop grinning during the temple ceremony. I felt it was probably innapropriate to be grinning like a stupid hyena, but I couldn't wipe it off my face.
2. My grandparents were there, it was the last time Grandpa ever got out of bed, he was so sick. What a show of support, it still touches me to think about it.
3. How weird it was that it was so official. I had a husband. Talk about weird. (But the best thing in my life, ever.)


Sven said...

Ray, just so you know, I was always a Book of Mormon apart...

NaDell said...

I love it. Good to know that you weren't actually making out all over the Temple grounds on that visit. I thought that sounded strange, although I'm sure it does happen all the time.....
Thanks for the corrections. =)

Tisha Morgan said...

That is such a cute proposal! So creative.