Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Boy never did I think our competition would generate SO much enTHUsiasm. (Thanks hun, for being my one supporter so far!) Ha ha. One person asked if they lost 80 pounds by cutting off their legs if that would work. Another asked if I was getting big and said losing my husband doesn't count as weight loss. (I told him off for his innapropriate comment. WTF man?)

With less schoolwork to worry about and quarterly taxes being done, the stress is considerably less. However, my mood is still shifting between stoic, despondent, and pissed off. As in, DON'T MESS. AND I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING.
Except for those few times I see hubby during the day (like on lunch break today) that make all my troubles disappear.
I long to get out from under these ugly clouds and into the sun.

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