I wasn't going to take a lunch break today, but I just decided to clock out for a few minutes and blog about this funny little memory I just had.
I was probably about 10 or 11 years old and had just walked to a friend's house - a girl named Cassandra LeChemenont, who was new in the neighborhood. It was October and they had one of those paper skeletons with the moveable joints pinned up on their front door. I believe it was the first time I'd ever seen one, because I got the biggest kick out of it. I started playing with its limbs, making it talk, burp, say 'excuse me' and who knows what else, and I'm pretty sure I was giggling the whole time. After a few minutes I heard an older guy's voice from the inside say, "Is she going to knock or what?" and the door flung wide open to one of her older brothers, looking at me with a smirk on his face. You can bet I was embarrassed that they'd been watching me the whole time.
What a funny little weirdo! Ha ha! Easily entertained. Probably not much has changed.
You are so funny.
I love when little memories like that pop in my head randomly.
oh! I freaking love you. I bet you were the cutest little girl ever.
Ha! That's awesome! In answer to your question: No, I have not yet recieved my Bachelor's. I'm doing a thesis to (hopefully) increase my chances of getting into a good grad school. I'll graduate in December. There will be MAJOR celebrating!!
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