Today my boss asked if I could meet with him for just a few minutes. I thought he was going to talk to me about some changes happening in our department but it was actually for an annual review. (Unexpected but very appreciated). He wanted to get a feel for how I was doing in the job, some likes and dislikes, what makes it meaningful to me, things I looked forward to, if there was anything I wanted to change. Asked about my school and when I would be done, and spoke to the effect that, with obtaining a degree comes a new world of opportunity, and they want me to feel that my work is a good career choice. And emphasized that the communication channel is open, should I feel the need to talk to him about any of it.
I so appreciated that. I appreciate the feedback, and that they are so inclined to help make my job meaningful to me, and just feeling that I can bring the subject up if I ever need or want to, and be met positively, means so so much. I'm so lucky to work at such a great place doing something I love and with such great people. I really had no idea when I started working there 2 1/2 years ago that it would all become what it is to me now. And it's almost hard to believe I've been in the acct. dept. for a year! It went so fast!
It's nice to be acknowledged and appreciated for your efforts. You're very lucky to have a great place, bosses, etc. In my first review, it was all good, but at the end of it, my supervisor pulled out a copy of my last speeding ticket (which I got before I started working there) and said, "I'm supposed to ask you about this"... what the....? Like that matters! I don't drive a company vehicle, I'm a receptionist. But I guess any law broken should be a concern to them. Dumb.
Are you serious?? They asked you about an old speeding ticket when they had all that other crap going on, that's really funny. What were you supposed to say about it anyway? "I sped." Ha ha.
Funny how i had a completely different experience working for them.... Youre a much better employee than I was thats for sure!
Ashlee - I wouldn't say that AT ALL. Wish you coulda stayed though that would be fun. I missed you after you left.
I wanna a review. I have ZERO idea how I'm doing and never get any feedback...
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