Doing lunch office-style today, so I can study for a test I've got tonight. Not going to start that for a few minutes though.
What makes a random person on the phone want to call me "hun?" It's a little weird. Someone I know got called "sweetie" the other day and it made her upset. Is it an effort to assert yourself as the authority or is it just the way some people talk. Maybe both. (This is only referring to random people. As a term of endearment I think it's sweet).
Tuesday after work was class, then after class we went to a Provo City Council meeting (a requirement for our dumb governmental accounting class). We listened to one guy propose a business plan which included removing a historical house on University Pkwy and building a men's-only student complex. We heard from him, from his developer, from some other dude, etc. We couldn't believe how much butt-kissing there was. Kiss kiss kiss all over the place. And one other thing I thought was funny was that there was soooo much concern about what was going to happen to the trees out front. The builder explained that he was going to put the parking lot entrance in between the two trees. Oh my golly they probably talked for fifteen minutes total about the two trees. Guy had to add a clause to the contract that promised he would leave the two trees in the ground. We wanted to hear about the budget, (because that's what we're studying), but it was last on the agenda, and after an hour we hadn't even gotten passed the first item and it was getting late, so we went home.
I was surprised that the city could have so much power over what happened. If someone wants to erect a building, they have to have approval from city council first? No wonder all the butt-kissing. The builders have to have approval from the city to keep their business in business. I was also surprised that the city council can make provisions such as what the outside of the building has to look like. Interesting...
Geoff got a call from our bishop last night asking how we were doing and how our marriage is doing. I didn't know what to make of it. We fight once in awhile... once in a great while, (I think that's pretty normal), but our marriage is fine, so I wonder what made him think that. He said he's been feeling restless about it and I wonder how long he's been thinking about it. There's been some other stuff going on so maybe that's it. He's doing his job though; it is nice of him to be concerned about us and to make the phone call to see.
You'd think that if he (the Bishop) was really concerned, he'd do more than call. He's probably just checking in with everyone who's weathering the storm, right?
People calling me terms of endearment who I won't see or talk to more than once a week, shouldn't do it. It's annoying. It makes me feel like I'm 10 years old or something.
Next time he asks about it, ask him how his tally wacker is hanging.
Yeah, I'm gonna say THAT to the bishop. I don't mind that he called, he's just doing his job. A little phone call to check up is no big deal.
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