Not too long ago, Geoff and I were talking about fads that were around when we were kids - Pogs and Magic cards and stuff. Slap bracelets were one, and I told Geoff I remembered wanting a slap bracelet so bad in about the 4th grade, and never had one. A couple of days later Geoff secretly went and ordered some slap bracelets for me on Amazon! He was so excited to give them to me. He's so cute. I've been playing with them for the last couple of days. Wally is really intrigued by them, let me tell you.
And I know how much everyone loves to see pictures of other people's cats, so here you are: Our silly kitty.
*How 'bout those plastic things that girls used to tuck the corner of their shirt into to make it look "fancy"?
*Or the clips that we put on the back of our dresses so they'd fit right?
*Silk shirts, anyone?
There were so many fads. They are all so funny now.
Yeah, I totally had a shirt-thing. And scrunchies. And jump-suit things for women, and crimped hair, big bangs, and side-ponytails... or was I the only poor soul that did the side ponytail? Like the girl on Napoleon Dynamite. ha ha
funny how some of those fads are coming back. i saw slap bracelets at a store in the mall the other day. no special ordering necessary! :) but that's super cute of jeff. and yes, i do really love pictures of your cat. :)
Thanks for ruining the moment mostlyprobably. :(
eeeeewwww. cats.
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