Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Satan in good, satan is our friend

Last night we laid in bed talking about our love/hate for gory movies. (Him: love. Me: hate.) Somehow we got on the subject of evil and Geoff started chanting:

I want to kill

And I joined him:

Satan is good
Satan is our friend

(It's from the movie The Burbs, and is meant to be comical.) We got to the word "friend" and the floor lamp in our bedroom turned itself on! I'm not kidding! But, it wasn't really surprising because we installed the Clapper, which I got at my work's white elephant gift exchange last Christmas, on the floor lamp. And it has a tendency to turn off and on when we lay in bed laughing at Conan or Who's Line or whatever it is we watch. It spooked us for a second but then we just laughed about it.

Random quote of the day:
Co-worker to others: "I told him I feel like I'm walking around half-blurred, and he said, 'that's because you are.'"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love the Burbs!! One of my favorites!