Monday, November 30, 2009

And slap a big red bow on it

I've got a question:

Why are people so against the commercialization of Christmas? I, for one, enjoy it. Ask Geoff, I love being at the mall at Christmas. I like being surrounded by the shiny, glittering festivity of greens, reds, golds, and silvers. I like giant bows and the smell of roasted cinnamon almonds. I like the hustle and bustle and the prospect of a pair of new holiday socks. It's cute watching the little kids get excited to see Santa Clause. Who can blame the corporations for wanting to profit from the yearly giant gift-exchange? That's why they're in business; it's what they do.

I know the true meaning of Christmas is more important. We remember and humbly celebrate Jesus Christ and his life, ministry, and death. We show thanks for our blessings, bestowed by Him, by extending (or asking) forgiveness and love, and reaching out to those less fortunate. We bask in the warmth of life by spending time with our loved ones (my favorite part). This to me is the true meaning of Christmas, and it surpasses the shiny decorations by ten hundred times.

But still there's nothing wrong with shiny decorations. As long as they don't consume you, they're just part of the fun. If you ask me whether or not I'm gonna sit next to our shiny, sparkly Christmas tree in my red and green socks, drinking candy cane cocoa and watching The Santa Clause... the answer is Yup! :)


Lyndsie said...

I love how you look at things, Cali. And I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Save some candy cane cocoa for us and we'll be right over! I'll bring my cozy socks too.