Friday, January 1, 2010

Bring on 2010

Ringing in the New Year, we are. We paused the recording of Wild Hogs just long enough to watch the ball drop - in bed, in our pajamas - and went back to our movie. We didn't even open our bottle of Martinelli's, but our 5th anniversary is coming up so we figure we'll use it then. We went to see Sherlock Holmes this morning, it was good.

It's been one crazy-a** year, and it flew by faster than I ever remember! Here's to 2010!


NaDell said...

Happy New Year! We never watch the ball drop. Kind of anti climatic around here. We did watch the new Harry Potter and play Risk 2210 (and they gave up and declared me the winner a little after 1am.) We glanced at the clock about midnight and said "Happy New Year" and went back to the game. I forgot about my Sparkling Cider too. Maybe we'll have it for FHE.

Anonymous said...

I tried to pause my movie so I could watch the ball drop but couldn't figure out the remote (you know me), so I totally missed it. While dad is on the front porch lighting illegal firecrackers. Yeah, we're quite the partiers too.