Thursday, January 14, 2010

Foods for the week

A friend posted this on their facebook status today: "If you limit your actions in life to things that noboby can possible find fault with, you will not do much." ~ Lewis Carroll I give it a *like* :)

So, a few new food items for the healthy-eating campaign:

Okay, so I might still be deciding if this is healthy or if it's just not bad for you, but it beats the heck out of eating a candy bar during the 3 p.m. sugar cravings! It's yogurt! Only 100 calories. My boss saw me eating one and even threw in an enthusiastic word for the Lemon Torte flavor. (Haven't tried that one yet but consensus says it's the best).

Baby Spinach

This idea is from Angie - buy a big bag (or box if you're the Costco type), and keep it fresh by separating into smaller snack-sized bags. Fast and convenient! I've been eating it raw and plain so far, and it's really not bad. I got a ten-oz bag for $1.88 at Walmart, and it's surprisingly filling.

My only beef with the spinach is that it makes my mouth, tongue and throat itch, just like raw carrots, bananas, canteloupe, and walnuts do, and a few other raw vegetables. I did a little researching, and it seems most people who have the same reaction, do with the same kinds of foods. I found it might be a slight latex allergy. So, this might be a dumb idea, but I'm wondering if the more I eat it, the more my body will accept and quit fighting it, sort of like it did with Wally. (Not that I ate Wally, I just stopped having allergic reactions to him.) Or if the more I eat it, the worse it will become. Just don't know but I hope it's not the latter, because I can't just not eat vegetables. They're the staple of a healthy diet, right? Especially raw ones.

-Just googling again - was brought back to a couple years ago when there was that e-coli outbreak from contaminated spinach; seems like a repeating pattern. Spinach is okay to eat, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you Cal! I personally like to eat a raw spinach salad with a healthy dressing of (small amt) olive oil, lemon juice and salt.

I'll have to try the Yoplait Delights!