Monday, March 29, 2010

A hit for the trusty 'ol car

Guy was pulling away from his house - not part of oncoming traffic - as I was making a left turn, and we hit.  I don't know who they're going to say is liable - actually I have good reason to believe the other guy will be dishonest.  But we'll see.  For now, my concern is just not getting a ticket for having a headlight out.  I saw a cop eye it down as he passed today, but he was with his buddies and must've been on his way somewhere.  The insurance co. says they'll send someone out in 3-4 days to take pictures and then I will get it fixed.  I need to ask my brother if he would be able to fix it, since it would be much cheaper, especially since we went liability only once the car was paid off.  We'll see I guess.

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