Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I know how bad this is going to sound - it sounds bad to me but I can't really help it, but I am so tired of work lately.  Eeeeeek.  It's because I know how everyone is looking for a job these days and how hard they are to find, and we're so lucky because we get health insurance and stuff, and I even get my own office and the people I work with are great.  There is nothing to hate about this job.  I know I should really just shut up and be grateful.  I don't know.  Like I used to love feeling needed and feeling like I was making a meaningful contribution and being part of something cool.  But I don't really care about that stuff now.  All the motivational drive that I used to have is just gone, has been for quite some time.  I mean, I'd have to be completely, 100% off my rocker to quit and look for a new job, even if part of me feels like it would welcome the challenge.  Couldn't really do that anyway even if I really wanted to, because of the tuition reimbursement contract.  Well, I'm hoping it's just burnout, and that a nice long break will do the trick.  Then I can quit whining like an ungrateful brat.

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