Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy birthday to all the Shamoos

Walked in the door today to find that Gwennie had gotten into the kitchen garbage and scattered its contents all over the kitchen floor.  It was bad!  I was so so mad at her.  We're doing our best to train her to be good, but ooooooh.  It didn't help that I was tired and cranky running on only 3 hours of sleep.  I scolded her a lot, but I can't really stay mad at her for too long.  We've just learned our lesson about keeping the garbage out of reach.

In the meantime, we've given in to the crazy dog-owner in us and started buying her clothes.  They were just too cute to pass up. 

Football Jersey


The raincoat was only $3 and we also got her a puffy vest that is brown with pink hearts and pink ruffles on it, but no pictures of that until it gets cold outside.  Pugs are temperature sensitive so we can justify it, right?

We've also been playing a lot of Rummikub, and a Trivial Pursuit card game, as an alternative to the TV which gets old.  Who knew we would enjoy board games?  Put on pandora in the background and it's kind of nice.

So my auditing class starts on Thursday, and will be Tues & Thurs until 7:00.  Geoff's will be on Saturday mornings.  I waited too long to buy the book, and the bookstore is out of it.  So are most of the textbook websites and textbook rental websites. is listing the book at $262, even though the UVU bookstore sells it for $196 brand new (if they had any in stock.)  There is one - one - listing on ebay.  It started at $100 and is now at $157 with me in the lead.  Obviously I hope I get it or I'm SOL.  How is it that I can be made to look forward to buying a textbook for $157 - $196?   It's profiteering from the generally poor and starving, that's what.  (Not that we're starving, by any means - all you have to do it look at us, ha)  But still.

BTW the blog title comes from a Cupcake Wars episode we just watched.  It was a Seaworld theme and this little blonde girl kept calling the whales "Shamoos" but she won! Funny.


Jessica GaleForce said...

Lol Love Gwen's clothes! I bought alot for favorite are these seasame street yellow and has a Big B & big bird on it, the other green with Oscar that says Grouch grouch grouch. He'll wear them, but even in the winter when its cold and he's freezing he comes up and rubs against you. if he could talk he would say, "Mom take this dang shirt off me!" Lol needless to say whenever I put one on him and leave teh room Jared takes it off of him. Urrrrghh!

BTW Rummikub = our favorite game!! Love it!

Cali said...

HA ha I bet the sesame street clothes are so cute! Gwennie doesn't like hers either but maybe she'll get used to them.