You can say that I'm the one curly fry in the box of a regular
Messing with the flavor, oh the flavor that you savor
Saving me for last, but you better not eat me at all
Living in a fastfood bag making friends with the ketchup and salt
People say that I'm crazy for not moving on to better things
Instead of sitting around trash talking with the onion rings
But it's much too soon to leave this easy life
Pass me the spoon, pass the analytical knife
Well if you are what you eat, in my case, I'd be sweet.
Geoff's dad left back for home today.
*In'N'Out Burger
*Village Inn
*Golden Corral
Apple Spice Junction
Artic Circle
*These are where the three of us went together - the other two were on my own or with coworkers
Those are the places I have eaten at since Friday. I'm pretty grossed out by looking at that huge list. While it all tastes very good of course, I won't say it was good for my digestive system- sorry to anyone who noticed. I actually got myself some PB&J for work - not necessarily healthy, but better than a burger and fries - so I can try to avoid eating out for awhile. Because eating out is a fun treat, but I'm happy to stick with my bowls of cereal/sandwhiches/boiled eggs/soup for awhile. :)
Other things we did were drive by the Oquirrh Mtn and Draper temples, albeit with a smoke-filled sky, and went to church. We played music trivia with Pandora, and watched almost the entire first season of Parenthood. On Saturday night Geoff & I went to a birthday party for an hour.
I started reading the Outlander again. Was trying to get to the end of the semester before starting book 3, because once I get started I will be reading for hours, and there's homework to do. But, I am addicted. And since I don't have book 3, I just started over on book 1.
I love eating out. If I never had to cook I would be a happy camper. Also, I just started Outlander. I am not very far into it, but I like it so far.
That is awesome Courtney, you'll have to let me know how you like the book!
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