Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting back to blogging

So I'm going to try getting back to blogging.  My grandma mentioned at the Thanksgiving dinner that she missed being informed since I stopped blogging.  Alienating my grandma is not what I intended to do (sorry Grandma!) so I'm hoping to get back on track.

I needed a bit of a pick me up this year.  So instead of being my usual tired, scroogy self, I scraped it together and put up Christmas just a few days after Halloween.  I tried to sell our Christmas tree at the yard sale last summer, but no one wanted it in the middle of August or whenever it was.  I'm actually glad it didn't sell.  I like having it there.

We've been listening to Christmas music a lot too.  Geoff actually won tickets on the radio (the station that plays all Christmas starting November) to the Broadway play The Color Purple and Harry Potter premier movie tickets.  We weren't able to make it to Harry Potter, but we did go to the play at Capitol Theater.  People say it's not the most uplifting of plays, but I still thought it was good.  Geoff was excited to have won the tickets, and it was nice to get out and do something unusual.

What else.  I quit my second job.  I feel a little guilty about it because they're such nice people.  But not guilty enough to stay, I guess.  I just really want to focus on my physical and emotional health right now, and other things.  Speaking of physical health - I lost 11 pounds in about that many days on the HCG diet.  Then I quit the diet because of some weird side effects (which it turns out weren't due to the diet, but by the time I learned that, it was too late to go back on it) and gained 9 pounds back within a week, and now in the last two days I've lost three pounds again.  So my weight is pretty unpredictable right now.  Oh well.  What the diet has given me is more motivation to eat healthy and exercise.  Not saying I'm perfect, but better.  And I went off soda for long enough that it gives me headaches to drink it now, so soda is out too.

Gwennie peed on a blanket right in front of me today.  It's twice we've caught her peeing in the house within the last week.  It's either got to be because she hates going out in the snow - which we got about 6 inches of recently, or because she seeks more attention... I have been rather annoyed lately at being constantly climbed on and have not been giving her as much attention.  Either way, I smacked her good - a few times - and we'll be kennel training her again for the remainder of the week, because who knows what else she will pee on if we don't.  I threw that blanket in the wash, plus another one that had been sitting on the floor, just in case.


Kimble Family said...

WELCOME BACK!! I missed your updates almost as much as your grandma (heehee)
Hope all is well with you and I hope to see you again soon!


Courtney said...

Congrats on losing the pounds, that is always so hard for me, so you are doing awesome! And these past few years I've had a harder time than usual getting into the Christmas spirit, too. I'm forcing myself to listen to Christmas music and reflect on its true meaning and I think that is helping. Congrats on the tickets too! I love when I win stuff.

NaDell said...

Your tree looks great! I missed you too. =)