Monday, November 1, 2010


I'm starting HCG at the end of this week.  Most people probably wouldn't admit that until they'd done it and been successful, but I can't keep it to myself.  I'd be gladly accepting of helpful tips and encouragement!  :)

I read Dr. Simeon's book last night.  It's pretty clear from his writing that he has some real biases about obesity and compulsive eating that I actually thought were sort of ridiculous, but when it got to the part where it explained about the "fat bank" and how the HCG "unlocks" or redistributes the abnormal fat so it can then be used up.  Pretty fascinating.  I understand now how a person can possibly live on 500 calories per day without starving to death (or even being hungry, at least per the book), and without screwing up your metabolism.

The part that I'm most worried about, after some research, is my personal hygiene.  Because you aren't supposed to use anything on your skin that has fat or oil in it, and this includes makeup, deoderant, hair product, shampoo and conditioner, and lotion, among others.  I might go buy some oil-free mineral based foundation, but I don't know if I can or want to replace everything else with what must be expensive all-natural oil-free fancy schmancy stuff.  And I never go anywhere without lip gloss, not since I was twelve.  Maybe some latex gloves would allow me to still put the putty in my hair!  Any suggestions on this stuff would be most appreciated!

It won't be easy, and will require a change in lifestyle afterwards in order to keep the pounds off.  Which means very little sugar for me, the sugar queen!  I'm a little nervous since I've never been able to stick with any diet or exercise plan in my life.  To me, the hardest thing I've ever done was to get through school.  There was a fair amount of complaining, as anyone who read my blog back then would know.  It was hard.  One would think that if I could do that, then I could stick with a diet plan.  I'm hoping that this 23+ days of no refined sugar will sort of detox my body and get me on a better track.  Overall, I'm very excited to get going and watch the pounds melt off!  Wish me luck!


Staci... said...

Cole did this last year! His parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have all done it! I will have Cole give you all tips he used. Plus we have a food scale if you want to borrow it. I have had a couple of friends do the diet with success! You will rock it! It takes a couple of days to really get used to it!

Staci... said...

It sounds like only my two friends had success! Duh! Everyone I have know to do this has it work!

Cali said...

Thanks Staci!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I know another "diet" that requires you to live on 500 calories a day. It's called anorexia. Just a theory. :)

Really though, good luck. I would certainly die.

Cali said...

Brittany - you wouldn't die, it was hard for me to understand how people can do that and not starve or kill their digestive system too. If you read the book though, it explains how it all works. Don't worry, I love food WAY too much to ever be anorexic! haha