Sunday, December 5, 2010


Saturday was neat because I got to drive up to Logan and be present for Danielle's patriarchal blessing.  I met Alison and John Bob, and Mom up there.  We got to see Danielle's dorm apartment, and went to the patriarch's house for the blessing, which went for about a half hour all by itself.  It was the neatest blessing I'd ever heard.  It made me see Danielle a little bit differently than I had before... not that I ever thought she was anything less than amazing... but I think she is meant for bigger things than I would've imagined.  She really is the sweetheart of our family, I must say.  I was so glad that she invited us up for it. :)

After that, we went to dinner at Olive Garden.  We got to know John Bob a little bit - he's Al's boyfriend and very cute. 

Then I drove home and got home about 9:30.  We caravanned (SP) on the way home.  I volunteered to be the leader because no one else wanted to.  I accidentally led everyone out into a dark backcountry road.  It's a straight shot from the canyon opening to the freeway so I really don't know how it happened, but oh well. 

It was a very neat day altogether, and made me want to get out my blessing and read it again.  I've let way too much time go by without reviewing it.


Courtney said...

Your work party sounds so fun. I would love to go to a party like that. And so neat you were there for Danielle's blessing. Those are such special experiences. And to answer your question, yep we're in UT, we live in the small town of Vernal (northeastern, UT). It is where my husband grew up and we house-sat for his parents while they were on an almost 2 year mission and decided that we were both happy here so why not stay?

Anonymous said...

Having Cali lead us astray was funny! We all just followed...

It really was a great evening. Everything about it! I just wish dad, Geoff, and Erik could've been with us.