When I was on the HCG diet, we'd gone to the library, and I picked out a conspicuous looking book labeled Toast. I swore once I was off the diet I would go back and find that book. Geoff picked it up yesterday for me. I made two of the recipes today - sunnyside up toast, and french toast cooked in a waffle iron. (We have a small, cheap one). The waffle french toast actually has an orangy-recipe for the egg batter, but we don't have orange juice today, so I just used regular french toast batter. But how neat is that to cook it in a waffle iron? Yum.
I've decided that this negativity about my job has got to stop. I can't say for sure how much longer I'll be there, but even two days is too long when I feel that way. Last Thursday in a "numbers" meeting with another department, one of the ladies talked about how her goal for the month had been to be more positive. I spoke with her afterward. She talked about a story she'd heard about perspective, saying it's all about how you look at a situation. That every time she feels irritation or other negative feelings welling up inside, she takes a second to distance herself, then holds two choices out in her mind - one to choose the negative, and one to choose the positive. And also that it's within a person's grasp to identify those things that cause discontent and change them. And to put it simply, recognize that this is what you get paid to do, and you might as well be willing and happy to do it.
Well, seeing as how my "discontent" centers around my job, then I must change that. Quitting isn't a logical option right now. I can only change things within my job. So I will start looking for ways to do that, and it might take getting creative. I tried just acting happy last Friday, and it was a pretty good day. The fact that it was Friday helped, and I had two successful phone calls one right after the other, to the IRS and the Georgia Dept of Revenue, which was a huge booster for the day. We'll see how things go tomorrow. One thing that I recognize though, is that the people I work with are so great. Really I can't think of even one person that makes it hard to work there... so that is a huge plus.
This next week will be pretty busy. I'll be glad when next weekend rolls around. Then I'll be exactly where I was at this time last year - exactly one full time job and no other commitments. My class will be over, I have quit my second job, and although I went to ward choir last week after church, I've decided not to continue with that either. Sounds like I'm being a recluse, but I think it is exactly what is needed right now. I really, really want to focus on taking care of myself - gym, eating healthy, etc.
You wouldn't know how intelligent she really is from the blank look that's always on her face
This was from the work party
So the book toast has tons of recipes for different kinds of toast? Sounds fun.
My mom used to make French toast in the waffle iron. It makes the best little holes for syrup. We called them Fraffles.
Keep positive. =)
I so love your hair Cali! It is just precious. I love the color and the cute curls. I so want your hair! haha
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