Monday, January 31, 2011

Pioneer Books

Today after work I met Geoff at Pioneer Books.  It's a cute little mom & pop bookstore on state street, with TONS of old books.  I found one on the history of the Celts that looked really interesting, and another one called Discovering Britain and Ireland, by National Geographic.  It's HUGE, hard bound, and chock full of beautiful photos, history, folklore, customs, poems, etc.  I was stoked to see it priced at only $4, because it's in awesome condition, other than the paper coverlet was torn. 

We went to buy my two books (Geoff didn't buy anything, but he loves bookstores) and the elderly guy, who I figured owns the place, seemed pretty mad that the book was priced at $4 - he thought it should've been worth more, and I would agree - but he said he'd let it go and I bought it for $4.  After we left, I felt kind of bad for taking the book for only $4.  I just felt I should've paid more, and I want the bookstore to stay in business.  Oh well.  Silly to feel that way, maybe.  Anyway, I am so excited to go through the entire thing.  I'm going to take a little tour of the UK and Ireland before I actually go, ha ha.  Also, there was a kid there that was selling a Gaelic Rosetta Stone to the store - how cool would it be to learn Gaelic!  Hard though, I'm so sure.

Well then we ate soup for dinner at home, went to drop another book off at the library, and got hot chocolate from The Chocolate on the way home.  We took Gwennie in the car with us.  She's a spaz.

Also I was thinking.  Around 3-4 years ago I posted once that looking at blogs full of pictures of other people's kids is boring.  3-4 years later, I completely take that back.  Maybe it's just that I know a lot more people with kids now, but I love seeing their cute faces and reading the cute things they do!  Especially, I seriously love cute little Riley.  And the Toone triplets!  I hope my eventual kids are as cute as them!  So cute!!


Heidi said...

If you are talking about my Riley, you are SO sweet! I do love this boy. :) And if not, that's ok too. haha!

Cali said...

Heidi, yep! It's your Riley! I think he the most adorable little baby ever!

NaDell said...

I'm glad you don't mind kid pictures so much now. That's about all I post. I'm mostly warning you what crazy things your kids might eventually do. =)

Toones said...

Youre too sweet! THank you for enduring my blog of endless bragging about my girls! I miss you guys!