TONS of different ways to spell my name - these are ones I've actually seen, though you could make any combination of C's, K's, L's, I's, E's and Y's and do just fine. Here's a new one I saw come through our office today: Caligh.
This discovery was followed by a conversation about the futility of people spelling their poor kids' names stupidly in an attempt to be different, and some comedy bit by Brian Regan.
Anyway. Work is super stressful right now for pretty much everyone there, but we had a good laugh attack about the nickname someone had given an acquantance, "Veleta," accidentally called her "Velveeta" over the phone once and then hung up as if nothing had happened. Lol. Well, we have to entertain ourselves somehow.
"It's CarolINE, Brian... CarolINE!"
"Oh, it's not Brian, it's BriONE! It's very hard to say correctly. Because my name is BRIASDFLAJSDFLKJASPORGIALKFASLKDFHASFLITA!" Worship him.
Andy kids that we should name a child ZBRQ and call them Carl. That's how you'd pronounce that, right?
Have fun planning your trip.
Kaleigh would be a regular spelling of your name too, wouldn't it?
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