Thursday, February 24, 2011

Airport chillin

Call us overprepared, we got to the airport three hours early. Plenty of time to blog about nothing!

It turns out that gwen's temporary caretakers are allergic to her! I felt so bad that they had to be miserable for a whole day. But I am glad that we discovered it on a trial run. I was stuck at work in Lindon, but Erik picked her up after his classes and took her to mom and dad's. (so nice and helpful of him! He's so awesome!) I still miss her.

The realization has hit me, that this trip will represent the furthest away from home i have ever been. Weird because I think so much about going places that this didn't really seem like that big of a leap at first, but I guess
it is.

Thank heavens for iPods. And wifi. And radio apps that let me listen to u92 from anywhere. I'm going to watch Netflix now.

Hi from the psycho looking person sitting next to me.

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