Saturday, February 5, 2011

Plato's closet

Plato's Closet grab bag sale - pay $10 per bag and stuff as many items into it as you can.  Alison and I decided to go try it out, and guess who got there at the same time as us! 

Jessica from The Loco House!  We went to high school together, and have not seen each other since then, although we are facebook friends and follow each other's blogs. :)  We waited in line outside and the all the bodies packed in and we were basically at the mercy of the crowd, but it was actually kind of fun!  I didn't find even one thing to buy, but oh well.  Still fun hanging out with Alison & Jessica!  I'd do it with them again!

After this, I went to Alison's apt with her and she gave me some skinny jeans.  And a way cute coat!  Yay! My first pair of skinny jeans!  They are way cute, now I just have to go through my closet and find stuff to wear with them!

Last night some fun stuff happened too.  Geoff had to work late, so Alison called and I went to dinner with her.  We just went to Burger Supreme (I know, bad for us, but so good for us too- I've been a serious stress-eater this week, oops).  On my way home from that, my friend Rachel called and she was at Barnes & Noble, and I was on the street right in front of Barnes & Noble, so I went in and joined her.  It was fun shopping for books for like an hour just talking about everything.  She has seriously the cutest little baby bump!  Love it!  I haven't seen her in forever either, so it was really good.

Now for the rest of today - I plan to declutter the bookshelves and under the bathroom sink, yick! I don't even know what half that stuff is or how it got there, so wish me luck!  Also need to buy some makeup because left all mine at the office.  Most of it is almost used up anyway.


Jessica GaleForce said...

It was insanely awesome!!

NaDell said...

Wait. Did you quit?
I read the "it's time to move on" post, but you did it??
I hope this week is going better!