The weekend was sooo nice! Friday night we went to dinner with Brady & Ashley. We stayed at the restaurant for over two hours, talking. I think we might do a campfire sometime this week. I haven't done that since before I was married! (Normally they are called "bonfire" to me, but where Geoff comes from, a "bonfire" is a two-story high fire built on the beach. So now I'm calling it "campfire.")
Saturday, we did that jog on the Provo Trail, then I went to SF and visited with Grandma. That night, Geoff and I made burgers on the grill, and played Rummikub and watched a little TV.
Sunday we went to church, came home and made lunch, took a long, luxurious nap on the couch with Gwennie, and took her to the park to throw the rope around, which she loved.
It was so nice to just do what we wanted and have some time to relax! Now I am back at work... this week is going to be an absolute beast. We've got the new tax software people coming tomorrow, Weds, and Thurs for training and implementation. And meanwhile, our month end deadline continues to draw near! Counting down until next weekend.
Are you two coming this way again before you move? I love rummikub.
A campfire sounds fun.
I don't think so, NaDell. But geoff's family are coming to visit before we leave Utah.
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