Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hell, the dark, and Britney Spears

So, I had this dream the other night that Britney Spears asked me and my nameless sidekick to be her personal chefs. We could cater all her parties, she said.

*Sigh*... if only I was Britney Spears's personal chef. My regular job is coming out my ears today. Yesterday about mid-day our HR Advisor sent a mass email to us saying there were open positions in the Accounting, Payroll, HR, and Sales departments. So I got excited and thought I'd try and apply for the accounting position. They like me, and they are helping to put me through school for an accounting degree, so I thought I might have a chance. Turns out they hired someone last night before we even hardly had the chance to apply. And she's from Accounttemps! Such a bummer. I sent them my resume anyway, and said if it didn't work out for any reason that I hoped they'd consider me for the position. So at least now they know I'm interested, so I guess we'll see what happens. Oh but hey! If you're looking for a job let me know because it's an awesome place to work and we're still hiring for the other depts! (and I get a referral bonus if you get hired, he he). It is a job you'll enjoy though just cuz all the people are so cool and work is workable.

Anyway, I'm also going to hell. I was supposed to be in charge of getting meals for a new mom in our ward and she had her baby a week ago. I told her twice to call me when she was ready for meals or anything else but she never did. Still, I should've checked on her, I just forgot. I'm still going to get her her meals; right now I'm just waiting for her to return my phone call.

Speaking of going to hell, the power went out a couple nights ago and stayed out for a few hours. We layed there in bed thinking, "Is this how the end of the world begins? Are we really prepared to die? Do you think we're going to hell?" It was a deeply spiritual moment. We had a good discussion as we sat up in bed eating our MRE's. .... which are actually pretty good for food storage. Yes, food storage, we are that good. (Not really my MIL gave it to us) And my FIL gave us a bunch of 8-hour glow sticks, which I was actually really glad to have when the power went out and I was all alone in our dark silent house.

Now don't think less of me, but I am actually afraid of the dark. I mean I know in my mind that there's nothing to be scared of, but I can't help that the hairs on my neck stand up when my back is to a dark room. Perhaps it comes from growing up in a haunted house... yeah I bet that's it. Anyhow, I once broke the screen out of the bedroom window and crawled outside in the freezing cold because I thought I heard someone in the front room after hubby had gone to work. Turns out I was just losing my mind, or something.


Sarah said...

Britney Spears wants you to be your own personal chef, huh? Well, don't tell Nat's Joseph. He'll be jealous. Hi! It's me! Sarah! I have a blog too. Except my hubby makes fun of me for it. Here's my link:
When I was starting my blog, it said to name it. I didn't know it would become the address. Anyway, read you later!

kenna said...

I believe that your namless side kick was me.

Anonymous said...

Since when did you learn how to cook??? When you asked me how to cook a baked potato "do you boil it first?"... I knew I had failed as a mother... ha ha.

Cali said...

Ha ha, I never said I know how to cook, you mean you have to know how to cook to be a chef??? Actually, I have am slowly mastering the art of mac & cheese mixed with mashed potatoes (the kind that come in a box), it's really quite good you should try it.

Anonymous said...

You really can cook, I was just poking fun because you're so much like me that way. I didn't have an interest in learning until I absolutely had to. Still, I don't like to cook because of lack of time, and I know you have less time than I do these days.

Actually, dad and I were quite impressed with the huge spread you and geoff laid before us a couple months ago! Yummmmmy!

Anonymous said...

Reggie is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

You want to feel depressed about your cooking ability you should see my sisters blog on the cookbook we made.. Food for thought, it is on my page..crazy...I am officially afraid of spiders, so I sympathize with being afraid of the dark.