Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"Where have you been? And don't say the bathroom cuz I kicked in all the stalls."

“I would never have called him that if I knew. You don’t call retarded people retards. It’s bad taste. You call your friends retards when they’re acting retarded. And I consider Oscar a friend.” - Michael

It is the happiest day of my life today. I have dishes and laundry to do, homework to do, work worries and I’m getting fatter, but nothing matters tonight cuz my new Season 3 Office DVD is on. What’s great is that I didn’t even get to see the second half of the season so it’s new. (Not that it matters, I could watch them over and over and still like ‘em.)

We got to see America in concert at the Scera last night. They are really more one of Geoff’s groups, but it was still a fun show. I’m hoping to get Collective Soul tickets from Geoff for my late birthday (I am even posting it online, hint hint). J It’ll be the first time Geoff has actually come to see one of MY groups in concert. (Well he likes them too but last time they came he refused to go with me). They are a fun show.

1 comment:

kenna said...


I should get mine in the mail tomorrow!!!!!!!