Monday, March 10, 2008

Oh I wish I was an

Today I saw the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile pull into our little subdivision. How's that in randomness for the day? Not everyone can say they saw the actual Weinermobile, much less by their house. Yayyy.

I was thinking today... perhaps it was just the warm spring air or the chilled Squirt in my hand as I drove down the road, but I was reminded of summers past. Part-time job at the local swimming pool, tanning in the backyard, junky car, totally carefree except for the hope I would see that boy this weekend and whether or not I could afford to buy another shirt. Those were the days huh.

Today at work I reconciled part of a giant bank statement... and work bought us lunch again... I am getting fat. Got homework.


kenna said...

Sigh, I remember those days and as I recollect you were involved in lots and lots of them...sigh...
Cafe Rio?

alison said...

Oh yeah? On the way to FHE we say I'm guessing the same wiener mobile pull into an apartment complex... so my car (filled with 3 boys) stopped and we actually took pictures with it...! cool, eh? I think someone won some sweepstake contest or somethin...

DeAnna said...

I have to say I LOVED those days, sitting out on the lawn tanning my legs while reading and drinking ice water. Sigh...what I would give.