--Song title of the Black Crowes and is playing right now... has nothing to do with blog.
Today was my second day! (That meeting was nothing - someone else in the payroll department is quitting, so with all the upheaval they just wanted me to know they may need me to help them out in the next couple of weeks until they hire another person).
It's going well so far. I really enjoy working with Camille. Besides being so nice, she has such a steady, calm voice, and she never gets flustered at anything, I would love to be like that. For example today the boss (I will refer to the controller as "boss" now since he's my manager now) and our tax accountant starting asking her some questions. We are going through an audit right now, and the auditor asked about some weird tax that we were supposed to pay to the state of New Jersey and it didn't show that we had paid anything. Since she's the one who pays the taxes, they turned to her and she didn't know anything. But, she did some research and figured it out and kept her cool the whole time. (It turned out they had just reached their tax limits earlier in the year and we didn't owe anything) But if it were me, I would've probably freaked out thinking I had done something wrong. I guess my biggest challenge with this job will be to stay on top of all the state taxes in each state, with their different schedules and methods, etc. As of right now I know nothing, but we are going to start in on it tomorrow.
The other challenge I'm going to face is becoming un-intimidated by my boss. In payroll he is regarded as the one to be afraid of owning up to. In fact I think they have used him as intimidation to get us to do what they want. From day one, it was, "don't mess up, you don't want to have to go in HIS office!" (Yes I heard that several times from my trainers and managers). I now need to regard him as someone I can go to with questions, and be confident about it. I'm pretty sure that having someone be too shy, too quiet, and too afraid of you all the time would get old pretty quick. He's just so quiet and reserved, usually when you see him he is very straight-faced, and he doesn't show emotion, so it's really hard to know what he's thinking. I think he may be trying to break that perception of himself though. He invited me, Camille, the two other accounting girls, and the adminstrative assitant out to lunch for tomorrow at Wallaby's. (I'm trying not to use everyone's names if you can't tell.) I've never seen him or any of the other girls outside of a business setting - and even company parties are business settings - so it will be weird. But good, it's also really good. I will say it's been really nice to break out of the routine. Even after just two days, I'm pretty sure I don't ever want to go back to payroll.
With learning all this new stuff and school, I'm pretty wiped out by the end of the day, hence not as much blogging. But last night Geoff and I went to the BYU game, and that was pretty fun. Saw littlest sis there working concessions. This weekend we're going to try and go to the circus, which will be just across the street at the McKay center.
Spring break is right around the corner. All in all I have to say life is so wonderful!
PS- I bought a new purse today, it's mauvy-pink and big and shiny! woo hoo!
I wish I could have come over today... but I'm sure your outfit will look supa hott!!
Yeah yeah, while you're sweating it out learning your new job, i'm sweating it out in my new job listening to alanis morrisette (LIVE!), and Matchbox Twenty, oh also LIVE, thinking...."I get paid for this?".... oh well, gotta do what ya gotta do....life is hard sometimes....
don't eat too many peanuths.
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