Monday, April 7, 2008

So I heard that church officials have agreed to meet with Affirmation, the group for gay and lesbian mormons. I am intrigued to know what the outcome will be, since it is something that has been on my mind for awhile now. In the past few years my thoughts on the subject have changed dramatically. Not trying to get all soap-boxy I just want to say what I think. People talk about nature and nurture and all that, but either way I think it really comes down to companionship as a basic human need. Of course every situation is unique, but it's sad that anyone would be made to feel humiliated and ostracized for something they may not have control over, and I don't believe they are hurting anyone. I think it's pretty silly actually when people freak out because their friends/kids/whoever have come out... of course it's a life-changing thing, but they are still a good person. I just think there needs to be more understanding and more acceptance of people. So, anyway. Like I said I'm just interested to see how the meeting goes... I hope it makes things better not worse.


DeAnna said...

The thing that I have the hardest time getting over is the fact that AIDS came about by a gay couple and look at how many people have died because of it. I agree that they are still people and just be treated as normal. (I say normal because I wouldn't consider all of them good, I have met some that were snotty and rude, but also some nice ones) It will be interesting to see what they discuss. I have wondered about some of those things a lot too, is it genetic? Is it emotional/mental? Is it by chance or a result of life events (abuse)? We talked a lot about it in some of my health classes...I don't know what to think.

Anonymous said...

I agree Cal. People are just people, you like some and some you don't. But none of that should have anything to do with their personal preferences. Are we not all different? Right or wrong, it's not for us to decide for someone else. We should live the best way we know how personally and let the big Guy in the sky take care of the rest.