Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yesterday was awesome. Went for a massage at 9, at a lady's house in Lehi. She was amazing, and she used hot rocks which I liked. She really got down on my neck, which has been hurting for months. If I can, I'll go back regularly.

After the massage I went to work for a few hours, then Geoff and I went to a shop in Draper, called "Pirate O's". A co-worker told me about it; they have all kinds of food and candy from other countries. They had stroop waffles, which previously I'd only been able to find at the Dutch Store (which is clear up in Sugarhouse), and they had those German chocolate eggs that are hollow and have toys in them. So we bought those things, some de-alcoholized wine, and some more chocolate. One of the bars Geoff bought was super super dark, 85% cocoa. I don't know what percent cocoa regular dark is, but this chocolate bar tasted like a mouthful of pure baking cocoa, it was gross. The rest was good though, and it was fun to go somewhere new for a change. Then we came back home to watch movies, and blew up the air-matress, and found that the de-alcoholized wine actually had a cork in it (we were expecting more like Martinelli's, which only has the cap). We couldn't get the cork out so we went back to Wal-Mart to buy a cork-screw. By the time we got started on the movies it was past eight, so we only watched one and then went to bed. It was a great day though, totally relaxing.

Now today I have HOMEWORK HOMEWORK HOMEWORK. I will be so happy to be done with school.


kenna said...

Didn't you just LOVE IT?

Massages are wonderful. I recommend them to everyone!

Nat said...

Joseph and I LOVE pirate O's. We have been going there for a bit. When you are in SLC we will have to take you to All the sweet markets.

Cali said...

Natalie - I would LOVE that!!