Since I have Mondays off now, I went to the school to do some homework. I had forgotten how crowded it is there during the day on weekdays during the actual school year. I actually had to drive around and around until a parking spot opened up. I've always grouched about how the school doesn't consider working students' schedules with respect to class availability, testing center, library, lab and bookstore hours, etc. (They still don't). But I'm sure it's just a business decision they've made since apparently the very large majority of students do not attend at night or through the summer. Seriously, I was amazed. People everywhere.
Anyway, I just did some looking around on IMA's website for a homework assignment and got to reading about salaries. Apparently the salary gap between men and women has increased in the last year, and also the Mountain region (us) is the only part of the United States that has not had a salary increase. I am in the wrong gender and the wrong part of the country, or so it appears.
Anyway, enough being negative, how about something for fun? Got a few hours until class. I copied this from Brittany's. Questions you're not supposed to ask people.
When is the last time you exercised? On purpose? Last Monday. And it will probably be another week.
What are you dreading right now? Going back to work tomorrow.
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? Not unless it's a weekend. Then it's like, 12 hours.
If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would you do? Nothing, just sit there and be lazy.
Who last grabbed your bum? Prolly Geoff although I can't remember when specifically.
What organization in high school were you in that is embarrassing to admit? The Polka Club. (Seriously, I only went to one meeting.)
What are your 5 biggest pet peeves? Cocky or condescending people, protected-left wasters, people who chew with their mouths open, getting home from the store and realizing you forgot something you need now, not being able to find a shoe when youre in a hurry.
Who are you mad at right now? No one.
Do you eat raw cookie dough? It's the only way to eat it.
Have you ever shop-lifted? Not on purpose. I once realized I forgot to scan a thing of tic-tacs at the self-checker.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? Yes
What is something you dislike that would make other people upset? The DMV
Have you ever been cheated on? Not to my knowledge
Have you ever cheated on anyone? Not to my knowledge (kidding!)
What is your worst habit? Procrastinating.
Are you cocky? No, I'm totally shy.
Could you live without a computer? Yes but it would be a whole different existence. I work and play on the computer.
What was the last lie you told? "Oops, I forgot."
Who or what sleeps with you? Geoff
What do you do when you're sad? Eat. Eat some more.
How many times did you cheat on important projects in school? Never.
Have you ever lied to get out of a ticket? No, just acted real cute and innocent. It works about 80% of the time.
What made you want to wear that hair style? I saw a cute picture of another girl's hair. Mine isn't quite the same as hers, but it turned out okay in it's own right.
Is anyone on your bad side now? No
Ever done drugs? Not illegal ones.
What's the first thing you do when you get online? Blogs and facebook.
Have you ever accessed porn? No.
How much money do you make? Enough to scoot by
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? No. Maybe like, my little sister's forehead when she was a baby.
Have you ever dressed up as a member of the opposite sex? Yeah. I was a boy townsperson in a play I was in at age 11.
What size clothing do you wear? Medium to XL, depending on where you buy it.
What is the worst thing your parents ever did to you? Nothing.
When was the last time you left your house? This morning to meet w/an advisor.
Have you ever blamed one of your farts on someone else? No. But ask Geoff and he will tell you otherwise.
What is something you lied to your mom about as a teenager? I don't think I did. I was pretty much do whatever mom & dad say, most of the time. Well, we argued about curfew at 14.
Would you survive in prison? No. I would probably just cry all the time and get my butt kicked.
What is your deepest guilty pleasure? Bubble-gum pop
What is your favorite movie that you should not have seen? Little Miss Sunshine.
Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Nope. About three who have the same first name (different spellings), but no one with first and last.
Have you ever lied to your spouse about a purchase you made that you knew they would disapprove of? If you call not saying anything about it a lie, then yes.
How much weight have you lost or gained in the last 2 years? I've probably gained about 20 pounds. So ummm yeah... working on that.
What irritates you most on the internet? When it freezes and you have to restart your entire computer.
Do you watch movies with your parents? Once in a great while.
Have you ever passed off store-bought food for home-made? Yes, in a joking way. (so really, no)
Have you ever plagiarized? I've never been under oath.
What is your ususal reaction when confronted with an ugly baby? I pretend it's cute. That would probably make the parent feel bad. But most babies are cute, so it's not a big worry.
1 comment:
Yeah, I remember the curfew argument when you were 14. Dad told you you were just clipping your own wings by pushing it. Ha ha. You were a good kid though.
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