Saturday, September 6, 2008


I just learned about the Lillywhite Sessions, (this is Dave Matthews Band). My dad just gave me the Busted Stuff album, and I've been listening to it, recognizing some of the songs from an album someone else gave me a long time ago. I've been a huge DMB fan since buying Crash at age 12. I was a member of one of those CD clubs, you know where you join and buy like 12 CDs for a buck or something. And if you didn't place an order in a particular month, then they would send you a random CD and automatically charge you for it. Crash was one of those, but I ended up loving it, and started a long-time love affair with DMB.

I remember when the Everyday album came out, I was in high school, and rushed out to buy it. I liked the album, but told myself the band was changing, as bands often do, and that it would probably be the last DMB album I would ever buy, and it was. A few weeks into my Jr year in HS, a friend gave me a copy of the Lillywhite Sessions. I noticed that the music was a little darker than what I was used to coming from them, and the audio quality was horrible, but I loved it. I never knew the story behind it though until today when I looked it up, and it's kind of interesting. Maybe I understand them a little bit better now for their whole, anit-file-sharing stance too. Anyway, that album my friend gave me has a bunch of songs that never made it to the Busted Stuff album, good ones!

I never thought my dad would be a DMB convert. Then again, I never would've expected him to like Snoop Dogg, either. I made a mix for him a few months ago, of some stuff that I knew was out of his typical genre but thought he might like. Then I threw in Kanye West's Gold digger just for the fun of it. Guess which song he really liked? Yup. So now I'm making him a mix of some hip-hop remakes and stuff he might, again, might, like. Anyway.

Also, I'm getting so excited for Halloween! Or just for fall in general. Halloween is so fun though. Although, in the words of Rory, "Last year's Halloween sucked. In fact the last 5 Halloweens have sucked pretty bad." It just isn't the same as when we were kids. But, maybe decorating and dressing up and hitting up the haunted forests and actually being prepared to pass out candy, unlike last year, will be lots of fun.


Anonymous said...

And you forgot to mention he totally digs "Black Eyed Peas".... uh huh... your mission going sister got him hooked on it. And guess which songs he likes??? You got it!

Cali said...

I'm guessing that's, my hump my humps my humps! ha ha

alison said...

Yeah, that's the one. I'm almost ashamed for getting him hooked on BEP. Almost...