I've been asked to do "Sharing Time" for the primary tomorrow. (A 20 minute teaching-session for the kids ages 3-12). As much as I love the kids, I have to be honest - this is totally and completely out of my comfort zone. So much that I sometimes wonder why I couldn't just be struck by lightening instead.
The other 3 girls in our presidency have to do it way more often than I do though, so I shouldn't complain. I hope it goes okay.
Geoff is out there watching a Discovery Channel show about Medival Torture mechanisms. I can't stand to watch that stuff. He is fascinated by gore... gory movies are his favorite - especially if they involve the mafia and/or zombies. I guess that is one of the "guy things" I love about him, but DON'T ask me to participate. He once convinced me to watch the movie Hostel with him, and that was the last time I ever have or ever will be convinced to watch a slasher movie. I refuse. It's so unnatural, and makes me sick. So about those Medieval torture devices... let's just say I'm so glad to not have been born in that time and place. I can't understand how people can torture each other. It boggles me. (He just came and told me how "heinious" it all is... then he realized he said "heinous" wrong so we've been laughing about that. Gee, is it late?)
But we did something tonight that we haven't done in months. We pulled out the giant air mattress and watched movies in the living room. (Non-gory movies.) I can't wait to be done with Sharing Time.
Just talk about school or whatever else interests you and smile and pretend that what you're saying is really fun....(they don't listen to you anyway)
Hate doing sharing time. You should make them work in groups like Scott makes us in Therapy. I do not love group work. :)
Just love ya Cali! I know you did a great job! Thanks so much for being willing to do a sharing time!! You are AWESOME!! Just think you are more prepared for next month! We have you scheduled for the fifth sunday. I bet you are beyond excited! Thanks Again!!!
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